Who is
Luke Reynolds?

UX Designer

World Builder

Content Producer

"Whether designing a site, building a world, or writing a book - it's all a big puzzle. The problem is sometimes messy: marry the needs of the project with the expectations of the users while working within the limitations of the media. But when the solution works - the synergy can be beautiful. I like to craft beautiful, synergetic experiences."

-Luke Reynolds

Past: Who has Luke been?

His past is varied. Jack of all trades, master of few. Here are some highlights from his professional endeavors. If you're looking for a full résumé, visit Luke's LinkedIn profile.

That Time Luke Made Media at the Fed

Yeah. That's right. The Federal Reserve. That Fed. Luke was part of a small media team where he filmed interviews, created special effects, designed training materials, and printed posters and museum pieces. He learned a lot about project management through the trainings and programs available to him.

That Time Luke Hosted Animation Contests at CMU

The place: Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). The position: create, implement, and facilitate free animation events for K-12 students. Luke would create training videos for freely available animation software, create contests around the training, design the assests for marketing the contests, then market the contests to educators. While it was a rewarding experience, the job leaned too far into marketing for Luke's liking.

That Time Luke UX-ified the Website at Alcoa

Luke has been a front end developer for Alcoa for over eight years - five of those as lead designer. The team is tiny and the site they inherited was littered with spaghetti code and accessiblity issues. This is where Luke works today. Only recently has he been able to focus on the UX and it still needs a lot of work.

Future: Where is Luke going?

Professionally? Luke will be designing sites like the one you are experiencing now. He is hungry for these types of artistic challenges.

The types of people Luke will be working with respect the project process:

Research > Design > Development > Test > Launch

If you have a project that fits within this future, reach out to Luke through his LinkedIn profile.

Current: What is Luke doing now?

Professionally? Satisfactorily employed. But much like how dragging a long string can lure a scared cat out from under a bed, dangle enough dollars in front of his face and you might lure a scared Luke to work on your project (remotely [from under his bed]). To do so, get your dollars ready and reach out to Luke through LinkedIn.

Otherwise, Luke is constantly designing experiences in his spare time - either while preparing and running tabletop role-playing game sessions for his players, forever writing his trilogy for readers, or planning a rewarding experience for volunteers and patrons at Art All Night.

Coming Soon: Simple Samples

Most experiences need not be as extravagant as the website you are on right now. This personal app Luke created is simple, elegant, and most of all: useful. When facilitating games, his players sometimes want to know what another character has in their pockets, pouches, or chests. He built this app for some quick inspiration.

Road Map

This site is a work-in-progress. This is like version which stands for: Design - Content - Functionality - Animations. This is not a standard versioning system and one that I'll probably change over time.

Here are the plans moving forward:

  1. Content: Create and add backround images
  2. Animations: Upgrade Particle Effects
    • Remove flicker from particle effects
    • Make particles into "puffs" (i.e. make it more like fog)
    • Make canvas bigger than screen to add parallax scrolll upon navigation
    • Window resize handler
  3. Content: Fix overflows in smaller windows
  4. Content: Create and add midground layers
  5. Animations: Animate timings
  6. Content: Create and add foreground elements
  7. Animations: Animate foreground elements